Joining Absolute Poker

  1. You need to have an Absolute Poker account.  Email me if you don't, so I can send you a "Refer-a-Friend" membership (we both benefit).  
  2. Sign up through the links given in the email you get from Absolute Poker. 
  3. Deposit some cash (however much you feel comfortable depositing - we play for $22-33). 
  4. You also need to sign up for the GrovePoker group (Click Tournaments->Join Private Group -> Select GrovePoker -> request membership & email me so I know to look for you.
  5. On Tuesday night around 8:45, log into Absolute Poker.  Click on Sit-N-Gos -> Private -> GrovePoker.
  6. Open up the chat on this site.  If we don't get a full 9 players, we'll figure out where we will play (what table).  We also chat during the tournament so we can discuss stuff without letting everyone know that we know each other.
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